Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)
A. Collegiate Student Grievance Redressal Committee (CSGRC)
- Acomplaint from an aggrieved student relating to a college shall be addressed to the Collegiate Student Grievance Redressal Committee (CSGRC), with the following composition, namely:
- Principalof the college – Chairperson;
- Threesenior members of the teaching faculty to be nominated by the principal – Members;
- A representative from among students of the college to be nominated by the principal based on academic merit/excellence in sports/performance in co- curricular activities – Special Invitee.
- Theterm of the members and the special invitee shall be two
- The quorum for the meeting including the Chairperson, but excluding the special invitee, shall be three.
- The CSGRC shall send its report with recommendations, if any, to the Vice- Chancellor of the affiliating University and a copy thereof to the aggrieved student, within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
2. Definition: in these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:
- “Act”means the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956);
- “Aggrieved student” means a student, who has any complaint in the matters relating to or connected with the grievances defined under these regulations.
- “college” means any institution, so defined in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 12A of the
- “Collegiate Student Grievance Redressal Committee” (CSGRC) means a committee constituted under these regulations, at the level of an institution, being a college.
- “Commission”means the University Grants Commission established under section 4 of the UGC Act, 1956.
- “Declaredadmission policy” means such policy, including the process there under, for admission to a course or program of study as may be offered by the institution by publication in the prospectus of the institution.
- “grievance” means, andincludes, complaint(s) made by an aggrieved student in respect of the following, namely:
- non-publicationof prospectus by the institution, in accordance with the provisions of these regulations;
- publication by the institution of any information in the prospectus, which is false or misleading, and not based on facts;
The list of SGRC members for 2024-2025 academic years:
S. No. | Name of Faculty | Department | Status |
1 | Dr L V NARASIMHA RAO | EEE | Chairperson |
2 | G CHIRANJEEVI | MBA | Chairman |
3 | K. L. NARAYANA | MECH | Member |
4 | P BALA KRISHNA | H&S | Member |
5 | V. V. KRISHNA | ECE | Member |
6 | CH PRATHAP REDDY | EEE | Member |
7 | M GOPAL NAIK | CIVIL | Member |
8 | K. Anil Kumar – 22HJ 1A0519 | CSE – III Year | Student |
9 | S. Siva Suchita – 23HJ5A0503 | CSE – III Year | Student |
10 | B. Puja – 23HJ1A0506 | CSE – II Year | Student |
3. Procedure for redressal of grievances by ombudspersons and student grievance redressal committees:
- Each institution shall, within a period of three months from the date of issue of this notification, have anonline portal where any aggrieved student may submit an application seeking redressal of
- On receipt of an online complaint, the institution shall refer the complaint to the appropriate Student Grievance RedressalCommittee, along with its comments within 15 days of receipt of complaint on the online portal.
- The Student Grievance Redressal Committee, as the case may be, shall fix a date for hearing the complaint which shall be communicated to the institution and the aggrieved student.
- Anaggrieved student may appear either in person or authorize a representative to present the
- Grievances not resolved by the University Student Grievance Redressal Committee shall be referred to the Ombudsperson, within the time period provided in these regulations.
Contact us:
Email Id:
Phone No: 9949330870
Name: S. Siva Suchita – 23HJ5A0503, III B.Tech CSE
Email Id:
M-F: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Chinairlapadu Village,
Kandukur Road,
Kanigiri Mandal,
Prakasam District,
Andhra Pradesh - 523254