Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC)

IIIC will be responsible for designing the roadmap for interaction with Industry recognizing the inherent strengths as well as the weaknesses of the institution. The Government organizations in this region also can participate in the industry-Institution-Interaction-Cell.


S.NO Name of the Member Role Designation
1 Dr. L V Narasimha Rao Chairman PRINCIPAL
2 Mr A Chennareddy Coordinator Asst Prof, MECH
3 Mr CH Malleswa Rao coordinator Asst Prof, CIVIL
4 Mrs M B L Prasanna Member HoD, H&S
5 Mr M V Lakshmaiah Member HoD, EEE
6 Mr V V Krishna Alumni President Asst Prof, ECE

Suggested Activities under IIIC:

  1. To identify and facilitate Guest Lectures, Interactive workshops, conferences, seminars, Brainstorming Sessions, Technical Discussions etc.
  2. with Members of the Industry, outside Experts, eminent personalities at regular intervals.
  3. To conduct Industrial Training, Orientation Courses, Industrial Visits etc. for faculty and students at regular intervals. To facilitate joint research work, consultancy involving faculty and students.
  4. To conduct industrial exhibitions to highlight research facilities and expertise available with the institution.
  5. To facilitate professionals from Industry to work as visiting faculty in institutions and short or long periods deployment of faculty from institutions to Industry for gaining industrial experience and/or work on projects in Industry.
  6. To seek and associate Experts from Industry in Curriculum improvement and review. To identify Continuing Education opportunities, short-term programs, and training needs of the industry, which the institution can provide.
  7. To promote revenue generating activities for the institution like Lab Testing, Calibration, consultancy, and R&D etc.
  8. To assess periodically the scientific and technological scenario/ happenings in India and abroad in order to translate it into action for taking up future R&D work.
  9. To train unskilled School / College dropout Students for providing skilled labours for entrepreneurs and for Industries.

Contact us:


Mail Id:

Phone Number: +91 88864 18498


M-F: 9:30am - 5:00pm


Chinairlapadu Village,
Kandukur Road,
Kanigiri Mandal,
Prakasam District,
Andhra Pradesh - 523254

