Thus, our motto is: Zero Tolerance to Ragging! A firm NO to ragging in any form!!
General Conduct Rules and Guidelines
ABR College of Engineering and Technology believes in treating its students like young adults. In general most students find life orderly and congenial in the campus. While the students, as adult citizens of the country enjoy their rights, they also are expected to be aware of their responsibilities. The institute will not support any act that is illegal as construed by the law of the land. As adults, the students are expected to have a fair sense of which act is legal and what is illegal. They should conduct themselves both inside and outside the Institute in a manner that is befitting an institute of this stature. In addition to being mature and responsible in conduct, the students are expected to respect the rights of the other members of the ABRCET community.
The Institute encourages an all round development of students’ personality and their progressive and creative thinking. At the same time, in order that they effectively discharge civic responsibilities and virtues, the Institute sets its own terms of conduct that must be adhered to by the students. The Institute can take action, if these terms are violated, through different Committees.
Social Conduct
Ragging is illegal and punishable in strictest and most exemplary terms as per the ruling of the Supreme Court of India. Each student must show due respect and courtesy to the Institute teachers, administrators, officers, employees, visitors, and residents. They must not infringe upon the rights of fellow students. In the event of proceeding on unscheduled leave on account of illness, family matter, etc, student must inform the Warden, faculty adviser and the concerned Head of the Department. The Institute facilities/amenities such as library, internet, playgrounds, hostels, laboratories and classrooms must be used responsibly.
Any willful damage and misuse of the facilities/amenities constitutes an act of indiscipline. In the event of an illegal activity in the campus, the institute is obligated to permit the police and judiciary intervention. In the event of students’ involvement in any activity outside the campus which is punishable by the law of the land, the institute shall in no way provide any support to them and will not be responsible either for any action. All major acts of indiscipline, which may have serious implications on the general body of students, and which may warrant a uniform and more formalized nature of investigation, shall be handled by the Students Disciplinary Committee. Based on the recommendations of this committee the Principal as the Chairman, Management approves the punishment recommended.
For an offense committed (a) in the Department or a classroom and (b) elsewhere, the Head of the Department shall have the authority to reprimand or impose fine or take any other suitable measure. All cases involving punishment other than reprimand shall be reported to the Chairman of the Standing Disciplinary Committee.
General Instructions
(a) Anti-Ragging Committee: The Institute has set up an Anti-Ragging Committee headed by a Senior Professor. It will comprise senior faculty members, staff and a Police representative
This Committee will ensure that no incidents of ragging as given in this Regulation takes place, and it will also monitor and ensure that the instructions of this regulation are fully followed in letter and spirit at all times.
The Committee will also maintain the strictest vigil at all times and ensure that the Anti-Ragging Squad of the Institute carries out its functions properly. It will deliberate on the reports of the Anti-Ragging Squads or of any other person who witnesses the incident of ragging, or on the complaint of any fresher or other students, and determine the punishment, namely, Institute level disciplinary action or filing FIR with police or both.
(b) Institute-level Anti-Ragging Squad: The Anti-Ragging Squad of the Institute comprises senior faculty members, and representatives of students. Its function includes going around / patrolling the Departments, common areas of the Campus and other premises like playground, and maintain vigil at all times on all days and take action if they notice any incident of ragging or attempt at it.
The Anti-Ragging Squad also has the responsibility to investigate incidents of ragging and report it forthwith to the Anti-Ragging Committee. The Anti-Ragging Committee may also entrust the Squad with specific investigative jobs.
(c) Faculty Advisors: Each student will be assigned to a Faculty Advisor. The Faculty Advisors would frequently interact with the students, or the students can freely approach them for any help or advice.
(d) Do’s and Don’t s for Fresher Students:
- Be courteous to all. It will make a favorable impression of you.
- Always speak the truth, but never be blunt.
- Always keep your cell phone with you. Keep it on silent / vibration mode.
- Load your cell phone with all important contact numbers of the Institute / hostels / your parents.
Anti-Ragging Patrols
If necessary, Anti-Ragging Patrols may be specifically detailed by the Chairman, Anti-Ragging Committee. These patrols may operate 24 hours in the campus, hostels, and nearby premises.
Reporting of Ragging Incidents or Apprehension thereof
Freshers are requested to report any ragging-related matter to the any faculty or staff member, Faculty Advisor, or any member of the Anti-Ragging Committee or Squads. Any fresher student who went through or is apprehensive of an impending ragging incident shall promptly report it to any member of the Anti-Ragging Squad or the Anti-Ragging Committee, or to the Staff Advisor, or any faculty member or staff by any means such as, in person, by phone call, by e-mail, by written note, etc. The written complaints may also be dropped in the drop boxes kept prominently for this purpose at various locations in the academic buildings and hostels. The complaints can even be anonymous.
Action Procedure
Anti-Ragging Patrol or Anti-Ragging Squads shall immediately report any incident of ragging or attempt or conspiracy for ragging, or any related complaint to the Anti-Ragging Committee. The Anti-Ragging Committee will consider the matter, investigate and take immediate action as per the situation.
Instructions to Parents
- Instruct your wards to desist from ragging freshers or other students in any form.
- Keep regular contact with your wards and monitor their well being and academic progress.
- Frequently interact with the Faculty Advisor and other faculty members to track the welfare and progress of your wards (every student will have a faculty advisor).
Freshers’ Induction
The academic session begins with a special two-week orientation-cum-induction programme to wean the freshers . This is a structured programme consisting of a variety of activities including discussions, cultural programmes, sports and yoga; the idea is to bring about healthy social interactions among students, faculty and staff, and to introduce the newcomers to the local environment and culture. The junior students are advised to take full advantage of this programme, and interact with their peers, seniors, teachers and other staff, and tide over any homesickness or other difficulties.
M-F: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Chinairlapadu Village,
Kandukur Road,
Kanigiri Mandal,
Prakasam District,
Andhra Pradesh - 523254