Institutional Development Plan

ABRCET Management team after brainstorming the vision, mission, quality policy, core values, environmental factors and SWOC analysis have reached the step of defining Institution Strategic Goals for 2021-2025.

1. Good Governance
2. Teaching & Learning Strategies
3. Research & Development
4. Industry & Institute Collaborations (MOUs)
5. Placement, Internships & Career
6. Infrastructure and facilities
7. Autonomous Status
8. Accreditation & Certification
9. Quality assurance systems
10. Entrepreneurship
11. Library enhancement
12. Alumni engagement and interaction

Institutional Development Plan (2021-2025)

Strategic Goal Strategic Planning
Good Governance Governing Body:

§ Supervisory and approving policy matters, Staff Recruitments, annual budgets.

§ Evaluation of institutions academic performance and bench marking.

§ Smooth Working of statutory committees.

Vision, Mission, and Institution Strategic Goals:

§ Vision, Mission progress & their delivery.

§ Setting short term and long-term goals.

§ Institutional Strategic development plan.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell& Accreditation:

§ Monitoring

§ Conduct internal audit committee for monitoring compliance.

§ Systems, checks and balances- Remedial measures.

§ Academic & administrative audits for



Autonomous Status

§ Discussion in Governing Body and approval for university affiliation & Autonomous Status.

§ Resource planning & budget approval.

§ Inspections University affiliation preparation &Approvals.

§ Preparation for the NAAC Accreditation & certifications

Physical Infrastructure
§ Upgrade the Classrooms, Tutorials, Seminar halls, conference halls.

§ Upgrade of Laboratory equipment

§ Upgradation Library infrastructure & e-learning

§ Emerging sports facilities

§ Strengthen Hobby clubs & Canteen facilities.

§ Increasing Transport facilities

§ Rainwater harvesting and plantations.

§ Developing facilities to improve the energy saving & management.

§ Solid waste management (zero plastic usage)

§ Developing facilities to efficient usage of recycled wastewater.


Teaching & Learning Strategies

§ The improvements in teaching & learning infrastructure keeping in line the changing pedagogy and its implementation like aggressive adoption of ICT through improved facilities in classrooms, e-classrooms, skill development centers, laboratory, library, Wi-Fi enabled classrooms.

§ Outcome based Education (OBE)


Library enhancement

§ Budget allocation for library.

§ Books, journals procurement, storage, and retrieval

§ Digitization of Library resources

§ Resources automation & Access (24X 7)


Industry & Institute Collaborations



§ Formation of industry institute interaction cell

§ Identify branch wise preferred industries and companies.

§ MoUs with industries

§ Support for internships, visits, trainings, guest lectures

§ Providing opportunities for Industry based / sponsored projects.

§ Providing career guidance & Strengthen training &placement.

§ Professional bodies membership.


Internal Quality Assurance Cell

§ Setting up of IQAC team

§ Intermittent checks and guidance

§ Recognizing achievements & best practices

§ Choose accreditation/certification agency.

§ Establish academic audit process & audit teams.


Research & Development

§ Quality project development

§ Promoting Consultancy.

§ Startup of maker Space– Product and development.

§ Focus on Product development.

§ Starting of patent cell.

§ Establishing IPR Cell, Patent filing

Training & Placement

§ Setups dedicate T&P Team.

§ Conduct Awareness programmes for progression

§ Conduct Value added programmes.

§ Capacity building training programmes.

§ MOU s and relationship management

§ Internships planning and execution.

§ Developing Data base of various potential industries/companies.

§ Modernization of T&P Cell (Video conferencing,

interview & conference rooms).



§ Establishment of dedicated EDP cell.

§ Identification of emerging areas of entrepreneurship.

§ Identify interested students for entrepreneurship.

§ Identify mentors from successful entrepreneurs from Alumni /others.

§ Formal training on entrepreneurship.

§ Workshops/ Seminars


Alumni Interaction

§ Strengthen Alumni association and engagement.

§ Establish alumni association office on campus, engage students.

§ Data base updating and interactive alumni website


Social Activities

§ Study rural projects and challenges.

§ Conduct awareness programs in villages/ communities.

§ Conducting health awareness camps & Blood

Donation camps.

Strategy Implementation and Monitoring

Strategic development plan once approved by Governing Body and the progress shall be measured from time to time through the IQAC. Hence the measurable success indicators are clearly spelt out in the implementation document. The principal along with academic council and other team member will be the custodian for strategic plan and its deployment.

Implementation at institute level

Particulars Committee
Good Governance & Administration GB, Chairman, Members of GB
Finance & Account Management Finance Committee
Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) Principal, Vice-Principal and HODs
Autonomous & University Affiliations GB, Principal, Vice-Principal and HODs
Infrastructure-Academics GB, Chairman, Principal, Vice- Principal, HODs and In charge



Physical Infrastructure

GB, Chairman, Principal, Vice- Principal, HODs and In charge Maintenance
Teaching- Learning Process Principal, Vice-Principal, ID

In charge, HODs, Faculty and Staff

Research & Development,


Principal, Research Coordinators
Student affairs Principal, Vice-Principal & HODs
Student admissions Principal & Admission In charge
Departmental activities HODs and Faculty
Placement & Training Principal, Placement &

Training In charge and HODs

Entrepreneurship Principal and E&D Cell In charge
Library Principal, Vice Principal and Librarian, Prof I/c Library


Measurable during Implementation


Strategic Goal Deployments

Good Governance

§ Governing Body selection

§ Vision-Mission reviews

§ Number of meetings conducted.

§ Polices implementation.

§ Student & staff procedures,

§ Service & Conduct Rules

Accreditation & Certification
§ The institute initiated for ISO 2009:15Certification.

§ The Institute initiated for UGC 2f status.

§ Institute initiated for NAAC grading and submitted IIQA, SSR started.

Infrastructure and facilities

§ Upgraded 65 computers.

§ The entire campus installed CCTV cameras and fire safety equipment in each floor of the block.

§ Adequate infrastructure is developed for extracurricular activities.

§ Extended RO unit and Potable water supply through coolers and dispensers is made available in every

floor and block


Teaching & Learning

§ No. of learning resources

§ No. of student counseling/mentoring/training sessions conducted.

§ Result of examinations (Pass, First classes, Distinctions)

§ Graduate attribute attainment levels

§ CO-PO attainments and GAP analysis

§ Student feedback


Industry & Institute Collaborations (MOUs)

§ Total 38 MOU’s done with institute wise and department wise with different industries and organizations.


Skill Development § MoU with AP Skill Development center & training sessions

Research & Development

§ Established R&D Cell and plan pf execution for the project publication by BTECH as well as MTECH
Training & Placement § Every Year Conducted Campus Recruitment Training (CRT) Classes

§ Tie-up with Pre-access test agencies Code Tantra, Bit Labs

Green Initiative

§ Replacement with tube lights with LED lights

§ Solar street lights